Thursday, 28 February 2013

Metal Theft, China and the UK government looking foolish - again

Metal theft epitomises how completely inept UK government has become. Lead and copper has been stolen to feed the growing dragon, China. Labour seemed incapable of doing anything and for several years metal theft went on unabated, making the UK look foolish. The Tories took a couple of years to tackle this problem and it all just reflect how ponderous UK government is, over bloated and too full of its own self importance to tackle real problems. They were probably debating their next pension rise and how to get that past the unsuspecting UK populace whilst freezing our pensions! Well, they succeeded on that important issue. In the 4-5 years it took to even attempt to stop metal theft, I wonder how many tons have departed our shores?

To make it worse we have the UK Lawyers! Two men caught on a church roof couldn't be prosecuted for sealing lead - which they clearly were - because no one could prove they weren't on the roof looking at the view. That happens a lot of course.I often climb on to church roofs to take in the view and pocket a few tons of lead on the way. Great stuff.

We should get rid of politicians and replace them with folk with experience of life and who have held real jobs - and been successful. We shouldn't employ politicians who are self serving and turn up on I'm a Celebrity get me Out of Here. Surprised Cameron hasn't applied.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Short termism

Well the lights are about to go out. Government has not been forward thinking which has always been a concern of mine. A number of power stations are soon to be turned off and there's simply no replacement. this is shocking news and highlights how totally useless all politicians are. The Italian elections confirm that - a comedian has won a huge amount of votes.

No one trusts politicians any more.

Our politicians are repeatedly letting us down. The chaos that is soon to come over power is just one example and if they are not planning for the future how many other policies are simply fit for short-termism?

Friday, 22 February 2013

How much tax do you pay - the reality?

Ouch. I just sat down and worked out how much Tax we generally pay in the UK on our hard earned money. The tax burden has always been bad in the UK but it has grown beyond all proportions. If I include national insurance, and then include 20% VAT on pretty much everything I buy (excluding Cornish pasties - thanks George), council tax and taxes on fuel - I calculate that I pay over 50% in tax.

Half my pay gone! All those folk out there that are bitter about UK government suddenly deciding to reduce pensions because of austerity measures need to factor in that we pay over 50% in tax. I'm a little surprised the Unions (NUT, NASUWT) haven't latched on to this fact!

50% tax!! And that's probably a conservative figure. What's your view?

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Cameron - are you a loon?

Of course people should have a right to light. To imagine a neighbour building and blocking your windows is infuriating. Surely we learnt from the leylandii fiasco. Are you incapable of learning? When you came into power you tried to close grammar schools until their was an uproar. Policies are made on the hoof and given the food fiasco that seems a very appropriate comment!

You want to build on the green zone, also. Have you seen the roads and the traffic jams? Britain is full. We cannot keep to your silly not thought through policies. 1000 more homes in Maidstone and other areas?? Come here and see the traffic on a Monday morning. It's impossible as it is.

Get some useful policies. Collect the £30 billion corporation taxes that are owed annually. Back date it 10 years and if they don't pay shut them down. Use the money to keep our AAA status and pay off the debt.

Good Grief - Mansion Tax Nonesense

Why introduce a new tax when they are unable to collect current taxes? On the BBC news yesterday they announced £5 billion is uncollected due to the wealthy avoiding paying. That's on top of the corporation tax dodgers (£30 billion) such as Starbucks etc etc.

This has been going on for many years. That's £35 billion each year!!! In 10 years that's been 35 0000 million. If the government collected its taxes and enforced collection we would be out of this mess by now.

Why aren't this and the previous government collecting its due? How can Starbucks set its own tax when the rest of us declare profit and tax is set on that? Why is this and the previous government so useless? Why does no one seem to care???