Thursday, 10 October 2013

What is Margaret Hodge Smoking??!

She is certainly on a high. The height of hypocrisy. She is blaming Customs for failing to collect all revenue on tobacco. This costs £2 billion a year

It amazes me the gall politicians have for blaming others whilst ignoring their own magnificent blunders. The government fails to collect taxes from corporate business in the region of billions every year, and have failed to do so for the last 7 years. How on earth can she criticise others?

Surely she must recognise her own failings and responsibilities in this area. It is hugely hypocritical to point the finger of blame elsewhere while Amazon, Starbucks and many more companies simply refuse to pay taxes.

Bloody politicians and egos the size of London Bridge. Sack them all!!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Freedom of Speech - My Ass (or donkey to be polite)

Freedom of speech has two significant problems.

On the one hand being politically Correct stifles free speech. Try talking about migration without being labelled racist. It doesn't matter that the UK is broke, the NHS buckling under the strain, the roads jammed and full to capacity and our GP surgery as full as the roads. You are racist to discuss this.

Then there is the Guardian! Giving terrorist free information on how to bomb UK and get away with it.

Politicians - I hope you are proud of yourselves for creating such a mess!!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Likely Power Cuts - Yet more nonsense from Stupid Politicians

Another prime example of politicians incapable of forward planning. MPs seem only to be able to work short term, probably because they are focussed on backstabbing each other.

That the UK is facing power cuts is a disgrace. Politicians have had many years to plan ahead as they known for a long time that various power stations were nearing the end of their life and in typical fashion we are facing a potential crisis.

Politicians have had their day. We need effective people running the country. Sack the lot of them.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

"Work for Benefits" - Impact on Graduates

OK so it costs graduates about £40k to get a degree and then the politicians want them to sweep the streets or pick up litter when they can't get a job. What a surprise when there is an uproar in coming months. What a way to treat people.

In general I think people should work for allowances, but the above is a potentially very sore point for many graduates. Surely the government should help by ensuring degrees are meaningful and likely to lead to a decent job, otherwise this is just hypocritical to charge on the one hand and then demean them on the other.