Saturday, 22 November 2014

Where has all the money gone?

We all pay nearly 50% tax when you include NI, Council Tax, Water (this is included in council tax in Scotland), VAT, fuel duty and loads of hidden taxes (savings, parking, fines, etc). It seems the Councils have become experts at collecting extra money from us all. And yet we get less and less, dentists are privatising, opticians used to be free, prescriptions, Sunday parking etc

Work it out for yourself. We pay VAT on nearly everything now. The only things not on VAT are...can't think of anything except food.

So where has all this money gone? How much is squandered by the NHS, government, councils etc. Talking of which - why are there so many layers of government when we are ruled by Brussels? Why do we have extra layers including parliaments in Wales and Scotland. Don't these all cost money?

Think about your wage, then halve it. The rest is going...where? And yet we are told government can't afford our pensions?? How can this be - we are paying nearly 50% taxes??

Where has the money gone. Mass migration? Welfare? School dinners?

Recession - is that the answer? I think not. With so many big business not paying taxes, Isn't the recession simply the black hole left by tax avoidance? Tax avoidance runs in the billions and has been going on for 10 years or more. Strangely, the figures sort of match the national debt. £30 billion a year for 10 years is certainly a large part of the national debt.

What's the truth and what is government not telling us?

We need to ask! We need a commission into where is all our money going. Is this the biggest fraud of our lifetime. If you agree - copy this to friends and family and lets start to demand our right to know.

"No" Vote at the Next Election

Should we all boycott the next election? We should write "No" on the ballot papers to show our dissatisfaction with governments? All politicians are dreadful. Anyone thinking UKIP is anything different is deluding themselves. They are recruiting from the Tories, so it's the same people - different title. Here is a list of things governments have got wrong over the years and it's both Labour and the Tories to blame:

  1. See-saw politics with Tories doing one thing and then Labour changing it and so on (Both Labour and Tories). e.g.
    1. Number of Civil Servants. Labour increase, Tories decrease
    2. Armed forces. Labour increases and Tories decreases
    3. Wanting Grammar Schools/closing them. They've debated this for last 30 years! 
    4. Having School playing fields. Again - ongoing for 20 years!
  2. Having no long-term policies, e.g.
    1. Energy other than wind, which is what MPs blow, hot wind. (Both Labour and Tories)
    2. University fees - can we afford £9k a year?
    3. Schooling - we are slipping in league tables (Both)
  3. Not thinking things through 
    1. Mass migration to change how UK votes and keep them in power (Labour)
    2. Labour allowing Scotland devolution then surprised when they want independence.
    3. Again - no Energy policy for last 20 years
    4. Privatisation e.g. Southern Cross fiasco, quangos etc
    5. Competition rules. e.g. How does this work when Amazon doesn't pay tax? That's unfair on the High Street (Tories)
    6. Mansion Tax. Doh, rich are taxed already and avoiding these. Why not fix existing system rather than create new taxes for them to avoid
    7. Fiddling in education and other areas where MPs haven't a clue
    8. Having a 2 year study on Energy and what UK population pays. Durr, just look at what the French and Germans pay for energy. No brainer.
  4. Not being a democracy. No one was consulted about:-
    1. Cameron insists on £11 billion a year on overseas aid - in a recession
    2. Tony Blare takes us to war in Iraq.
    3. Cameron decides to build on Green Zone due to mass migration Labour started.
    4. Decision on mass migration (Labour)
    5. Decision on Uni fees (Tories)
  5. Criminal acts
    1. Gordon Brown raiding pension funds. UK had the best funds in Europe until then (Labour)
    2. Gordon Brown lying under oath at one of the inquiries.
    3. Continued MPs claims fiasco
    4. Not collecting taxes from big business (Labour started this but Tories done nothing since) and then blaming us and our future pensions
    5. Prescott thumping that chap years ago and didn't get prosecuted. I would have lost my job
  6. Out of control public sector pay
    1. Allowing GPs to negotiate their own pay. No wonder the NHS is crippled after their massive pay rise. (Labour)
    2. Raising headmaster's pay when no one was demanding it (>100k per year)
    3. CEs of  councils 
    4. Mayors earning >£200k
    5. Water bosses earning £1M each. Water us a TAX in Scotland

About 60% of UK doesn't vote at elections anyway so let's join them!