I had a chat with the taxman who was chasing me for money I was supposed to owe from last year. I asked him whether he was chasing big organisations for the taxes that they owe. We have all heard about these from the press, assuming they are right of course. The total is in the region of £30 billion.
That's £30,000 million. Makes what I owe seem insignificant.
Apparently this has been going on for 7 years. That's £210 billion. A massive amount of money and a big dent in our national debt. Oh, I forgot - that's 1 trillion, or 1,000 billion or 1,000,000 million (Just like Prof Brian Cox).
The government is chasing the likes of us for taxes and is cutting our pensions, both in the private (remember Gordon Brown's raids) and public sectors. Why aren't the Unions using this fact to help us all? Why is the media presenting this information but not tying it to the current crisis?
The government is certainly not representing the people any more. What a shambles!
Why are our businesses being sold to foreign ownership? As soon as they are they stop paying UK taxes. Surely that should stop. No wonder there's a tax black hole.
Government is tinkering on the edges, saving £1 million from government departments. That's paltry compared to our debt and yet they ignore £30 billion. Come on MPs, get real.
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