Saturday, 3 August 2013

Mr Angry

OK, I admit it. I don't get it. Why do people in the UK think only in terms of Labour, Tory, other etc? Why can't folks see how pathetically useless all politicians are?

I have some friends that are died-in-the-wool labour supporters. They vote labour because their parents did. They consider themselves working class, although they live in leafy suburbia. They love discussing politics, but their response to every debate that doesn't go their way is - don't believe everything you read in the Daily Mail. That phrase crops up time and time again like some well worn record. They have no counter argument, no facts of their own. Simply, don't believe the evil rag.

What they don't know, and probably wouldn't believe, is I have voted labour, twice. I don't fit their mould as I don't say, don't believe the Mail as my mantra. Because of that - I am not on their wavelength or intelligence level. I get my facts from the radio, the news and blogs. I have even written to MPs and the Council for Freedom of Information data. It infuriates me, therefore, when I am told, don't believe the Mail. Is that some magical phrase that puts the country to rights? Does it make them feel good about themselves? Is it a Mason's phrase to get you into some inner circle? I don't know.

All I know is the country is in a shambles due to politicians behaving like movie stars. I know that my wage is taxed into non-existence to pay for unemployed, migrants, sickness benefits, GPs earning a rare fortune, water CEOs earning a million a year, council chief executives creaming it in, etc etc. With council tax, water rates, fuel on duty, parking fees and every other hidden tax, I am taxed at around 50%. So, too, are you!!

Where are the 50% of non-voters and what is their view? What will it take to wake up a large percentage of people who have given up on politics? Let's vote in non-politicians. People who have worked and have experience of life. Politicians are completely hopeless and out of touch. Captains of Industry perhaps. May be then we will see a change in this country for the better.

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