Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Energy Price Rise Freeze - The Truth!! Beware at your peril.

It seems to me to be common knowledge that many energy companies (foreign owned) subsidise their own companies by charging the UK more! This is grossly unfair and underhand. But, it also reflects a problem with the way UK runs competition. There isn't any. If there was competition then British Gas could easily undercut EDS and other companies subsidising French and German consumers. But British Gas don't. They simply hike their prices annually in line with whatever profit they can get away with.

I am fully behind doing something to end this extortion by big bully boy companies (who don't pay taxes, no doubt). But a Freeze on prices is simply a gimmick. The companies WILL recover their costs either before, or after the freeze.

What should horrify politicians (they are of course too dumb to see this) is the vehemence by which the industry is attacking this potential freeze. Surely politicians should be forewarned this has become an expected annual hike. They have simply gotten used to getting away with massive hikes before each winter and not surprisingly profits soar. unfortunately the politicians are complacent as usual. It is now the norm.

As to needing the money for infrastructure - the water companies have been giving this as an excuse for 10 years or more BUT is there any evidence for infrastructure improvements? This is so easy to claim and we public (unprotected by fat cat politicians) have to suffer the consequences.

Please pass this message on!! Write to your MP and feel free to pass this message to them.

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