Saturday, 13 December 2014

Is Competition Working?

Government is keen on competition and yet everywhere you look it doesn't seem to work. Water companies charge what they want and CEs earn £1 million a year. That hardly seems like a lean and keen organisation, but more like fat cats milking the system.

How about your energy bills -- electric and gas? No competition there either. The worse offender is British Gas. Why? Because EDF etc. are subsidising their home nations. People in France and Germany pay less because our bills are deliberately made higher than theirs. British Gas could clean up by undercutting everyone else, but no -- they chose to match their prices at a higher rate because we are gullible. The government is funding a two year study into this sector. They don't need to. All they need to do is compare what people in France and Germany pay and then realise how the UK public are being duped. And which MPs are championing this? None.

How about the roads? Look at the quality of road building. New roads last less than a year before potholes strike. Competition here seems to work, but you get a mess as a result. But has competition driven down prices? In Maidstone the Council funded painting of a line along the high street to make the kerb more visible, That cost £70k. To paint a line!! The M25 junction 5 took 3 years to repair less than 10 miles. 3 years! I wonder what that cost.

Competition fails because councils and government have no idea any more about cost. Everyone is simply trying to get richer on the back of public money. Look at the mess made by Southern Cross old folks homes. I bet the directors are now millionaires. In Edinburgh the parliament building and the trams is a great example of competition not working. In both cases it appears that the project was deliberately underbid and once work started it became an open cheque book for spending.

Governments and councils have lost the plot and see money as something to get rid of. The problem is - it's our money they are wasting.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

£1.5 Trillion National Debt!!? And that's UK doing well? #autumnstatement

This is a disgrace that our debt is so high and reflects how utterly useless MPs are. In their first year in office Tories saved £11 billion by freezing pay. They then gave away £4 billion extra in overseas aid and 7 billion to Irish banks. Odd that the money totalled what they saved. What do all those on a pay freeze think about this, that your money was squandered?

Are Labour any better? Who got us into this debt in the first place? Who allowed big business to hide their profits?

Both are as bad as each other and it reflects that MPs have lost the plot. Let's give a "No-Vote" at the general election. Let's show them how dissatisfied we are.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Where has all the money gone?

We all pay nearly 50% tax when you include NI, Council Tax, Water (this is included in council tax in Scotland), VAT, fuel duty and loads of hidden taxes (savings, parking, fines, etc). It seems the Councils have become experts at collecting extra money from us all. And yet we get less and less, dentists are privatising, opticians used to be free, prescriptions, Sunday parking etc

Work it out for yourself. We pay VAT on nearly everything now. The only things not on VAT are...can't think of anything except food.

So where has all this money gone? How much is squandered by the NHS, government, councils etc. Talking of which - why are there so many layers of government when we are ruled by Brussels? Why do we have extra layers including parliaments in Wales and Scotland. Don't these all cost money?

Think about your wage, then halve it. The rest is going...where? And yet we are told government can't afford our pensions?? How can this be - we are paying nearly 50% taxes??

Where has the money gone. Mass migration? Welfare? School dinners?

Recession - is that the answer? I think not. With so many big business not paying taxes, Isn't the recession simply the black hole left by tax avoidance? Tax avoidance runs in the billions and has been going on for 10 years or more. Strangely, the figures sort of match the national debt. £30 billion a year for 10 years is certainly a large part of the national debt.

What's the truth and what is government not telling us?

We need to ask! We need a commission into where is all our money going. Is this the biggest fraud of our lifetime. If you agree - copy this to friends and family and lets start to demand our right to know.

"No" Vote at the Next Election

Should we all boycott the next election? We should write "No" on the ballot papers to show our dissatisfaction with governments? All politicians are dreadful. Anyone thinking UKIP is anything different is deluding themselves. They are recruiting from the Tories, so it's the same people - different title. Here is a list of things governments have got wrong over the years and it's both Labour and the Tories to blame:

  1. See-saw politics with Tories doing one thing and then Labour changing it and so on (Both Labour and Tories). e.g.
    1. Number of Civil Servants. Labour increase, Tories decrease
    2. Armed forces. Labour increases and Tories decreases
    3. Wanting Grammar Schools/closing them. They've debated this for last 30 years! 
    4. Having School playing fields. Again - ongoing for 20 years!
  2. Having no long-term policies, e.g.
    1. Energy other than wind, which is what MPs blow, hot wind. (Both Labour and Tories)
    2. University fees - can we afford £9k a year?
    3. Schooling - we are slipping in league tables (Both)
  3. Not thinking things through 
    1. Mass migration to change how UK votes and keep them in power (Labour)
    2. Labour allowing Scotland devolution then surprised when they want independence.
    3. Again - no Energy policy for last 20 years
    4. Privatisation e.g. Southern Cross fiasco, quangos etc
    5. Competition rules. e.g. How does this work when Amazon doesn't pay tax? That's unfair on the High Street (Tories)
    6. Mansion Tax. Doh, rich are taxed already and avoiding these. Why not fix existing system rather than create new taxes for them to avoid
    7. Fiddling in education and other areas where MPs haven't a clue
    8. Having a 2 year study on Energy and what UK population pays. Durr, just look at what the French and Germans pay for energy. No brainer.
  4. Not being a democracy. No one was consulted about:-
    1. Cameron insists on £11 billion a year on overseas aid - in a recession
    2. Tony Blare takes us to war in Iraq.
    3. Cameron decides to build on Green Zone due to mass migration Labour started.
    4. Decision on mass migration (Labour)
    5. Decision on Uni fees (Tories)
  5. Criminal acts
    1. Gordon Brown raiding pension funds. UK had the best funds in Europe until then (Labour)
    2. Gordon Brown lying under oath at one of the inquiries.
    3. Continued MPs claims fiasco
    4. Not collecting taxes from big business (Labour started this but Tories done nothing since) and then blaming us and our future pensions
    5. Prescott thumping that chap years ago and didn't get prosecuted. I would have lost my job
  6. Out of control public sector pay
    1. Allowing GPs to negotiate their own pay. No wonder the NHS is crippled after their massive pay rise. (Labour)
    2. Raising headmaster's pay when no one was demanding it (>100k per year)
    3. CEs of  councils 
    4. Mayors earning >£200k
    5. Water bosses earning £1M each. Water us a TAX in Scotland

About 60% of UK doesn't vote at elections anyway so let's join them! 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Signs of Desperation

Who can blame the Scots wanting Independence. This blog and previous ones have shown how utterly useless MPs are. But, will swapping to the SNP be any better. They are still MPs in the making.

This, however, is not the point of this blog. It's the fact Cameron, Clegg and Balls have gone to Scotland to please to keep the Union. Hang about, just about everyone hates Clegg as he is so useless, the Scots hate Cameron because he is a Tory and who the hell is Ed Balls? Brown caused everyone's pensions to slide so he is no better!!

How did we get to this point anyway. In their usual short sighted fashion Labour gave the Scots devolution, but failed to comprehend that Independence was the logical next step. imagine the MPs surprise when that happened. It's like giving a dog a bone and then being amazed when it sits to gnaw at it.

In any ever, after a Yes or No vote non-Scottish tax payers will be worse off. There are loads of concessions on offer to Scotland not to vote Yes and of course, who will pay for that? the taxpayer!

Well done MPs for creating an absolute muddle, for having rings run around you by Salmond. He has shown himself to be far politically astute than the bozos running the country, be they Labour, Tory or the other lot?

At general Elections only about 40% of the UK public vote. Why? Because 60% have realised how utterly useless politicians are. Self serving, greedy, b****s.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

For amusement - type Clegg and Idiot on Twitter!

For fun - go onto twitter and type in Clegg and Idiot.

It's amazing a senior politician is so derided and yet still has supporters, especially supporting Hamza's family's benefit claims (over £30k a year!! AFTER TAX). How many gaffs does this man have to make before people finally wake up to realise what an utter fool he really is. The most damning is he will switch to form a coalition with Labour at a drop of a hat to stay in power - he will then overturn every policy he has worked on for the last 4 years - just to stay in power!!

Vote for Fun Today -- and Watch MPs Squirm

Everyone vote UKIP!! Isn't there an irony having MEPS who don't want to be in Europe as our representatives!! Sends the right message to MPs that they no longer represent us and are out of touch. 

#EP2014 #europeanelections2014 #europeanelections #euelections2014 #euelections

Saturday, 10 May 2014

HMRC is Targeting Amazon - About time!!

MP Hypocrites - Yes Margaret Hodge, This Means YOU.

OK this could almost be funny. Margaret Hodge is asking people to boycott Amazon due to tax avoidance. They have only paid 0.1% tax this year. This is a criminal act in my mind but asking us to avoid Amazon - really??! Is that the best she can offer?

Let's be clear - tax avoidance started under LABOUR BUT continues under the COALITION. I am very angry that Margaret Hodge has the cheek to complain when it was under her governance that this started. I am equally mad that he only response is a boycott. Look at the poster below! This is HMRC's response to the man on the street for not paying tax. We owe pennies compared to big business earning billions. A 20% tax on one billion is £200 million. Amazon have not paid there share of tax over at least the last 7 years, from what I have heard. Surely a poster similar to the below but aimed at Amazon would at least be better than asking us to avoid them!! How about an extra tax at source on everything bought at Amazon? Now that sounds better and it would help competition with the High Street.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

1 Year to Elections - What should UK government policy be and what should we vote?

Before answering this - consider some of the current issues. These are my views and I welcome comments. Suggested policies are below;

1. Let's be clear - all parties and MPs have let us all down over the last 20 years. We all know it and 50% of the UK doesn't vote - probably because of this.
2. UK is involved in see-saw politics. Labour get in and do A, Conservatives get in and do -A (for example increasing the size of the public sector, military spending, benefits etc.)
3. Government is not planning ahead and is short sighted. (for example the fuel crisis looming. No government in the last 20 years has had a fuel policy. They have just ignored it).
4. Barking policies that make no sense to anyone (for example High Speed Train to Birmingham, privatising many successful public sectors, quangos etc)
5. Failed policies. This is the most worrying. Not only is governments short sighted but they have been operating on trial and error. They allowed GPs to negotiate their own pay and GPs cut their hours and doubled their pay. MPs now want GPs to work longer and guess what, we will have to pay yet more.
6. MPs are more interested in themselves than in policies (I'm a celebrity get me out of here - Nadine Dorries)
7. Government apply spin on reports and so do the press. This leads to spin on spin and no one can be trusted. (for example GCSEs, it's taken 20 years to realise this system is flawed. Other nations use GCEs and these are proven. A further example is the debate on whether migration has taken British jobs. There were three reports commissioned by governments and they did not tally. Surely this is based on fact and there ought to be a clear answer. Instead - we get spin).
8. UK is being is being fleeced by business. (for example Southern Cross and the old folk's home fiasco. Souther Cross were allowed to fleece several care homes and walk away with millions and yet declared themselves bankrupt, as I understand it. That's tax payers money. )
9. Complacency (for example allowing business to stop paying taxes. If this had happened over night there would have been uproar. It happened gradually over a period of about 10 years).
10. Gordon brown raid on pensions.This cost UK £100 billion and wiped out many private pensions. This is the real reason for the pension crisis and abruptly made Public sector pensions look amazing. How was this allowed ti happen and why did Gordon get away with this?

This is the tip of the iceberg. So what policies should UK follow

1. MPs should be put forward from a good background. MPs should NOT be career politicians. There needs to be a selection process that works before an MP is put forward. We need to weed out the Nadine Dorries's of this world
2. End see-saw politics. I'm not sure how - but perhaps that is a job for the House of Lords, to prevent parties simply reversing policies for the sake of votes. Also, governments should be bound more to their manifesto/policies. At elections they should not be allowed to lie any more, without being accountable.
3. Link voting to earning. It doesn't seem fair that people not contributing to society should have an equal vote, but again you can't remove a person's entitlement to vote. Why not give people one vote and those paying higher rate tax (as they contribute more) two votes. What about folk who do something for society (including behaving) an addition vote. A maximum of three votes. Would that prevent parties from chasing votes? It may have some impact and is worth considering.
4. UK seriously needs a policy for fuel. The policy needs to make sense and needs to be endorsed by the scientific community.
5. Government reports need to be based on fact and not spin. Reports need to be endorsed in the same way as publications. The current method of endorsement is failing. Reports are often contradictory
6. MPs should be criminally responsible for policies. This clearly needs to be thought through but should politicians walk away scot free when their policies have the potential to destroy lives.
7. Stop the press from expecting instant views from politicians. Views in politics should be considered and based on fact. This is feeding the politicians' desire to be like movie stars!
8. There should be a clear policy on the Green Zones. This is linked to longer term thinking. UK has one of the highest populations per square area than any other nation in the world. We need green fields to grow food if nothing else.
9. UK need a policy on how many people this island can support. This needs to be based on fact and not spin. the evidence from road congestion and the likely collapse of the NHS need to be considered.

Help me out. Circulate this. Create a buzz and let's influence UK politics. Copy to friends on Facebook or twitter. Let's take action! Spread the word. We want a fairer UK political system.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Judge as Short Sighted as Motorist he Lets Off

I can't believe a judge, Aidon Marron QC, declared you don't need to wear glasses when driving and let off a chap for killing a pedestrian under these circumstances. Said judge is an idiot. 

I am near blind without my glasses and wouldn't dream of driving without them. What a numpty brain and I find it worrying that idiots like this are running the country. Why on earth is there an eye sight test in driving tests if they don't expect you to wear glasses??