Before answering this - consider some of the current issues. These are my views and I welcome comments. Suggested policies are below;
1. Let's be clear - all parties and MPs have let us all down over the last 20 years. We all know it and 50% of the UK doesn't vote - probably because of this.
2. UK is involved in see-saw politics. Labour get in and do A, Conservatives get in and do -A (for example increasing the size of the public sector, military spending, benefits etc.)
3. Government is not planning ahead and is short sighted. (for example the fuel crisis looming. No government in the last 20 years has had a fuel policy. They have just ignored it).
4. Barking policies that make no sense to anyone (for example High Speed Train to Birmingham, privatising many successful public sectors, quangos etc)
5. Failed policies. This is the most worrying. Not only is governments short sighted but they have been operating on trial and error. They allowed GPs to negotiate their own pay and GPs cut their hours and doubled their pay. MPs now want GPs to work longer and guess what, we will have to pay yet more.
6. MPs are more interested in themselves than in policies (I'm a celebrity get me out of here - Nadine Dorries)
7. Government apply spin on reports and so do the press. This leads to spin on spin and no one can be trusted. (for example GCSEs, it's taken 20 years to realise this system is flawed. Other nations use GCEs and these are proven. A further example is the debate on whether migration has taken British jobs. There were three reports commissioned by governments and they did not tally. Surely this is based on fact and there ought to be a clear answer. Instead - we get spin).
8. UK is being is being fleeced by business. (for example Southern Cross and the old folk's home fiasco. Souther Cross were allowed to fleece several care homes and walk away with millions and yet declared themselves bankrupt, as I understand it. That's tax payers money. )
9. Complacency (for example allowing business to stop paying taxes. If this had happened over night there would have been uproar. It happened gradually over a period of about 10 years).
10. Gordon brown raid on pensions.This cost UK £100 billion and wiped out many private pensions. This is the real reason for the pension crisis and abruptly made Public sector pensions look amazing. How was this allowed ti happen and why did Gordon get away with this?
This is the tip of the iceberg. So what policies should UK follow
1. MPs should be put forward from a good background. MPs should NOT be career politicians. There needs to be a selection process that works before an MP is put forward. We need to weed out the Nadine Dorries's of this world
2. End see-saw politics. I'm not sure how - but perhaps that is a job for the House of Lords, to prevent parties simply reversing policies for the sake of votes. Also, governments should be bound more to their manifesto/policies. At elections they should not be allowed to lie any more, without being accountable.
3. Link voting to earning. It doesn't seem fair that people not contributing to society should have an equal vote, but again you can't remove a person's entitlement to vote. Why not give people one vote and those paying higher rate tax (as they contribute more) two votes. What about folk who do something for society (including behaving) an addition vote. A maximum of three votes. Would that prevent parties from chasing votes? It may have some impact and is worth considering.
4. UK seriously needs a policy for fuel. The policy needs to make sense and needs to be endorsed by the scientific community.
5. Government reports need to be based on fact and not spin. Reports need to be endorsed in the same way as publications. The current method of endorsement is failing. Reports are often contradictory
6. MPs should be criminally responsible for policies. This clearly needs to be thought through but should politicians walk away scot free when their policies have the potential to destroy lives.
7. Stop the press from expecting instant views from politicians. Views in politics should be considered and based on fact. This is feeding the politicians' desire to be like movie stars!
8. There should be a clear policy on the Green Zones. This is linked to longer term thinking. UK has one of the highest populations per square area than any other nation in the world. We need green fields to grow food if nothing else.
9. UK need a policy on how many people this island can support. This needs to be based on fact and not spin. the evidence from road congestion and the likely collapse of the NHS need to be considered.
Help me out. Circulate this. Create a buzz and let's influence UK politics. Copy to friends on Facebook or twitter. Let's take action! Spread the word. We want a fairer UK political system.
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