Friday 24 April 2015

The Truth the Parties are Afraid to Address.

A reason the country is in financial crisis is as follows:

1. Pay is out of control in some sectors. That NHS senior staff earn £600k is ridiculous. That's pop-star wages. It's also true of the BBC where the top ten directors earn £600k each. That's £6M and would need 60,000 households to pay TV licence just to pay these 10 people. GPs also earn over £200k and the MPs negotiated their pay and allowed reduced hours and a tripling of their salary. There are other examples, headmasters were awarded pay of £100k at a time of austerity when other public sector workers were on a pay freeze. Why are none of the different parties picking up on this. What is scary is they only seem to become aware of issues when they are rammed down their throats. The Tories are finally understanding the migration problem - and it's taken 5 years!! MPs are idiots.

2. The other example is the NHS. Both Labour and the Tories fight over this but neither understand it. It is a finite capacity and yet the costs have doubled in 10- years. There are only 200,000 beds in the NHS in the UK. How can the costs double? It doesn't make sense. But then again there are a lot of free-loaders and fat-cats in the NHS earning significant money. Again, why aren't the parties aware of this and why are parties outdoing each other - offering more money?? It doesn't make sense - they should find out where the money is going and plug the gap. That should be the priority. The NHS is like the water industry, leaking millions and squandered our taxes. Plug the leak and better still reverse it.

Pass this message on. Twitter and Facebook it. Put MPs to shame. They do not understand what they are in charge of. Shame on you!

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