Saturday 10 January 2015

NHS - What is the Truth About the Current Crisis? Is it simply a numbers game?

I keep hearing about the NHS and the current crisis. News presenters and the government present this and almost seem surprised and at least baffled why this is. It seems simple:

There are limited NHS beds. In there are about 200,000 beds in the NHS in the UK and the number has actually been falling since 1990s.

In 2000 the UK population was 60 million. The government acknowledges 5 million immigrants have arrived and settled here in 10 years. The reality is higher as they are likely to have had children. Also, there are large numbers of illegal immigrants here and an article alos suggested 100,000 students a year from foreign countries go missing here. As a conservative estimate, I think the population is now around 70 million. An increase of 10 million.

Let's suggest 0.5% become ill. That's 50,000 people. That's one quarter of the NHS beds. So no wonder there is a crisis. If 0.5% of the total population is ill then the figure is a staggering 350,000 people. Almost double the available beds.

So why are politicians surprised that the NHS is in crisis. We have reduced the number of beds (at a massive cost increase) and increased the population by 10 million (estimated. Can someone conform this number??)

Why can't the government see this and acknowledge this is the problem? Are they lying that we are living longer to cover the reality up? What seems more likely - we are living longer or that there are 10 million more people in the country? I have witnessed first hand lorries on separate occasions unloading illegals into the UK on the motorway (M20)

Can politicians be trusted? Or are they self-promoting, lying bigots?

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