Monday 9 March 2015

Rona Fairhead Should Tell Hodge to resign - Hypocrite!

What a nerve MPs have. Margaret Hodge tells Fairhead to resign over encouraging tax avoidance.

Pardon me?? Hasn't government encouraged large business to avoid taxes over the last 10 years? Why isn't Margaret Hodge being asked to resign, along with many other MPs that have contributed to this horrible state of affairs? I am sure big business avoiding about £30 billion a year is far in excess of anything HSBC has done. And big business continue to avoid taxes. Over 10 years that's £300 billion. Who really is guilty here?

Margaret Hodge also recently suggested people stop purchasing from Amazon. What? Why should the people solve the politicians' blunder. What a nerve, asking people to bail them out and then to have a pop at HSBC. Where do MPs get this holier than thou attitude? What a bunch of hypocrites.

And William Hague's recently has the cheek to complain about big business avoiding tax. You are the Government- get off your lazy backside and do something about it. Whinging to the public is not a way of getting taxes paid.

Are all MPS utterly useless? This is not just a Tory shambles. This started under Labour and until we get better MPs with a modicum of intelligence -- this will continue.

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