Friday 18 September 2015

UK Living Standards Are Being Eroded And Politicians Are To Blame

Governments have eroded our living standards and we have simply sat back an let it happen. All MPs are the same and have done nothing to benefit the UK population for many, many years. Our standards have declined for generations.

1. Governments have allowed banks to set 1% interest on savings for years. People retiring cannot get a decent income. If you had £1 million in a bank you would feel content no doubt, but that is not true. That would earn you only £10k a year. It is pathetic

2. Governments have blamed us for the current financial problems saying that we are living longer and therefore can't afford our pensions. This is simply not true and is an utter lie! Money has been squandered on so many fronts

  • Allowed big business to stop paying taxes (to the tune of billions)
  • Allowed public and private sector pay to go bonkers with some folk earning in excess of £100k for mediocre jobs (the heads of water companies earn millions and in Scotland water is part of their council tax. Water is a tax, we cannot live without it)
  • Allowed (encouraged?) the wealthy to hide they wealth from the taxman (billions)
  • Allowed the cost of the NHS to double in 10 years
  • Allowed migration to escalate, costing the country millions and losing many people their jobs. 

3. So many people are now on minimum wage it has become the norm. We (the taxpayer) have had to compensate low paid employees (often of companies hiding their profits) of big businesses. These are the very companies avoiding taxes

4, Set 20% VAT. We have already paid tax on our money. Nearly everything has VAT on it so if you pay 22% tax you are actually paying 42% tax. If you are a 40% tax payer you are paying 62% tax. It is actually worse than that when you take into account National Insurance (where does that money go??), council tax and hidden taxes (car parking, fuel etc). We are taxed to death and yet they cannot afford our pensions!

If this resonates with you post this message to friends and colleagues. Let's create a fuss. The problem stems from career politicians who have no idea about life. Write to your MP and copy this message to them and demand an explanation!!

Let's demand a better class of politician.

If you are uncertain about my view then consider the NHS and the shambles behind that. Every election every party uses the NHS as an election headline. And yet over the years the NHS has become more and more of a problem. When you look at it with an unbiased view, the problems are simple. There are 200,000 beds in the NHS.  The UK population has gone from 60 million 10 years ago to nearer 70 million. That's 10 million more people using the NHS. It is no wonder there is a problem and yet no party portrays this simple fact, Instead they hide behind issues, promoting their party as the one to save the NHS. A further issue is costs have doubled in 10 years. At that rate the NHS will soon be unaffordable. Where has the money gone? is the question any respectful politician should be asking. Instead it is a political game of one-up-man-ship.

Wow, this image says it all. They say a picture paints a thousand words:

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