Thursday 3 March 2016

Should Prime Ministers Be Allowed to Lie to the British Public?

This seems a very obvious statement with a very obvious answer. NO!

However, it seems the British public have become used to lies and we now just accept it as the norm. Is it constrained to the current government? Far from it, it seems. Let's look at them first.

It seems accepted that David Cameron is lying to force an In Vote for the Eu elections. Far from being fair and an educated response he seems to be doing his best to constrain the truth and distort facts, according to several publications. Of course his government have dropped many election pledges, but that is true of every recent government, but however you look at it -- that is a barefaced lie to get into power. Why do we accept it? Surely government should be accountable.

How about previous PMs? It seems accepted that Tony Blair lied about weapons of mass destruction to commit the UK to war in Iraq. I am sure there are other lies associated with Blair, but lying on one issue and such an important issue is a disgrace.

Gordon Brown, I believe, was asked several times at one of the many inquiries (Chilcot, Leverson??) and eventually backtracked on one lie to many when pressed, or so I believe. I cannot find the article as there were 930,000 hits on google when you type Gordon Brown and lied at inquiry. A lot was linked to Tony Blair and the Iraq war so it's difficult to say. However, in a very undemocratic way, Gordon raided pension pots destroying many people's aspirations for retirement.

The problem for me is that Freedom of Information Act is meant to open up government, yet if the PM lies how can anything be trusted. PMs are not afraid to announce statistics to better their objectives, but any statistic can be massaged to give the answer you want to hear. Where do they get their statistics? That is the scary part. I heard a joke once that 72% of statistics are made up.

Why do the British public allow PMs to lie? OK Chilcot is taking years over the Iraq inquiry and many delays have been granted for the guilty to worm their way out of difficulty, but every election manifesto pledges go by the wayside.

All PMs have lied to us -- of that I am certain and for me that is unacceptable.

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