Sunday, 19 June 2016

A Key Government Failure in the Referendum -- Lack of Planning

If the Vote Leave is such a disaster why has the Prime Minister allowed a referendum?


Government has once again failed to think ahead. Look at the Scottish referendum and how MPs on both sides behaved like headless chickens just before the voting. They hadn't thought ahead, that Scotland might vote to leave the UK. 

I am absolutely amazed that the very same thing is happening in the lifetime of one parliament. Surely the government considered that the public might vote to leave the Eu ...and yet once again the politicians are behaving like headless chickens trying to make us vote Remain. 

Perhaps there should be a vote of no confidence in how we run politics. It seems politicians are only keen on winning votes rather than what is good for the country. How many U-turns have there been and mainly due to vote winning? Cameron's first act in his last government was to close grammar schools until he famously faced a backlash.

The premise of this website is that government fails to think, whether it is Labour, Conservative or others. Allowing a referendum on Europe and then trying to shoehorn the UK public demonstrates a lack of ability to plan and think. Is this the type of politician we want?

What we should strive for:

1. We should have politicians with an experience of life, industry, business. Career politicians have proven to be a failure.

2. We need a body to control parliament and to direct them to important and difficult issues such as energy and the NHS. Throwing money at the latter is not the answer and we should find out where the money is spent. 

3. The House of Lords does not work and is full of cronyism. This should be replaced with something that does work and soilves teh issues mentioned in 2.

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