Wednesday 22 June 2016

Election Summary: Spin and Lies All Round

On the Remain camp: finances and pensions will crash. 

On the Leave camp: Migration is too high and there are world markets to explore.

Unsurprisingly, the evidence on both sides is very thin. Taking one of many examples: both camps have polar views on how much Eu law there is in the UK. Leave say 75% and remain about 8%. They have chosen figures from the same report. They chose a figure to suit their argument, not one that actually helps the debate. 

There is so much spin that I am surprised my neck hasn't snapped. What politicians refer to as spin I think most people would say are lies.

So why? Who benefits? The PM is being pressured by the US to remain and that's a powerful pressure. It is clear that reform failed and was a damp squib so that argument doesn't really hold water, hence back to the US pressure.

Boris wants to be PM and this is a route to this. 

Corbyn remains quiet and secretly wants to become Russian I think. 

In my view, it is a great shame that the British public are hoodwinked by spin/lies. This is not what we should expect from people supposedly leading us. Shame there isn't a vote to state our displeasure.

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