Friday, 18 September 2015

UK Living Standards Are Being Eroded And Politicians Are To Blame

Governments have eroded our living standards and we have simply sat back an let it happen. All MPs are the same and have done nothing to benefit the UK population for many, many years. Our standards have declined for generations.

1. Governments have allowed banks to set 1% interest on savings for years. People retiring cannot get a decent income. If you had £1 million in a bank you would feel content no doubt, but that is not true. That would earn you only £10k a year. It is pathetic

2. Governments have blamed us for the current financial problems saying that we are living longer and therefore can't afford our pensions. This is simply not true and is an utter lie! Money has been squandered on so many fronts

  • Allowed big business to stop paying taxes (to the tune of billions)
  • Allowed public and private sector pay to go bonkers with some folk earning in excess of £100k for mediocre jobs (the heads of water companies earn millions and in Scotland water is part of their council tax. Water is a tax, we cannot live without it)
  • Allowed (encouraged?) the wealthy to hide they wealth from the taxman (billions)
  • Allowed the cost of the NHS to double in 10 years
  • Allowed migration to escalate, costing the country millions and losing many people their jobs. 

3. So many people are now on minimum wage it has become the norm. We (the taxpayer) have had to compensate low paid employees (often of companies hiding their profits) of big businesses. These are the very companies avoiding taxes

4, Set 20% VAT. We have already paid tax on our money. Nearly everything has VAT on it so if you pay 22% tax you are actually paying 42% tax. If you are a 40% tax payer you are paying 62% tax. It is actually worse than that when you take into account National Insurance (where does that money go??), council tax and hidden taxes (car parking, fuel etc). We are taxed to death and yet they cannot afford our pensions!

If this resonates with you post this message to friends and colleagues. Let's create a fuss. The problem stems from career politicians who have no idea about life. Write to your MP and copy this message to them and demand an explanation!!

Let's demand a better class of politician.

If you are uncertain about my view then consider the NHS and the shambles behind that. Every election every party uses the NHS as an election headline. And yet over the years the NHS has become more and more of a problem. When you look at it with an unbiased view, the problems are simple. There are 200,000 beds in the NHS.  The UK population has gone from 60 million 10 years ago to nearer 70 million. That's 10 million more people using the NHS. It is no wonder there is a problem and yet no party portrays this simple fact, Instead they hide behind issues, promoting their party as the one to save the NHS. A further issue is costs have doubled in 10 years. At that rate the NHS will soon be unaffordable. Where has the money gone? is the question any respectful politician should be asking. Instead it is a political game of one-up-man-ship.

Wow, this image says it all. They say a picture paints a thousand words:

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Politicians Run Out of Ideas -- Here's a Free One!!

Since 5% of people own 95% the world's wealth, we should suggest to these these people that they take on a challenge e.g. fix Africa.

This is the 21st Century with some amazing innovations. Desalination plants could make Africa green and this would reduce the migration problem. What a great idea and what a challenge for the world's mega rich.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Pension Issues. Our fault for living longer or the Government's Ineptitude?

Isn't it hypocritical that the government (last Labour govt. included) has been negligent in handling the economy, for example; allowing businesses to avoid paying tax, not understanding where money goes to in the NHS to name but a few. The cost of the NHS has doubled in 10 years and yet the number of beds (200,000) has remained unchanged. We have learned recently that health cards are available throughout Europe allowing people not even living in the UK to claim free medical help, funded by the NHS.

Yet MPs have the gall to keep raising the retirement age. The shortfall in the economy is their fault and the main reason why there is a problem funding pensions. Yes, there was a global crash but Canada, Turkey and Australia avoided it -- through sound judgement whereas the UK squandered, and continues to squander billions.

To point their finger at us and say it's our fault for living longer is an absolute nonsense. My father and mother both died aged 57, but three years apart. At work, last year there was a spate of deaths with many colleagues losing parents (about six in total) and all were in their 60s.

The truth is that successive governments have destroyed the economy through ineptitude.

Friday, 24 April 2015

The Truth the Parties are Afraid to Address.

A reason the country is in financial crisis is as follows:

1. Pay is out of control in some sectors. That NHS senior staff earn £600k is ridiculous. That's pop-star wages. It's also true of the BBC where the top ten directors earn £600k each. That's £6M and would need 60,000 households to pay TV licence just to pay these 10 people. GPs also earn over £200k and the MPs negotiated their pay and allowed reduced hours and a tripling of their salary. There are other examples, headmasters were awarded pay of £100k at a time of austerity when other public sector workers were on a pay freeze. Why are none of the different parties picking up on this. What is scary is they only seem to become aware of issues when they are rammed down their throats. The Tories are finally understanding the migration problem - and it's taken 5 years!! MPs are idiots.

2. The other example is the NHS. Both Labour and the Tories fight over this but neither understand it. It is a finite capacity and yet the costs have doubled in 10- years. There are only 200,000 beds in the NHS in the UK. How can the costs double? It doesn't make sense. But then again there are a lot of free-loaders and fat-cats in the NHS earning significant money. Again, why aren't the parties aware of this and why are parties outdoing each other - offering more money?? It doesn't make sense - they should find out where the money is going and plug the gap. That should be the priority. The NHS is like the water industry, leaking millions and squandered our taxes. Plug the leak and better still reverse it.

Pass this message on. Twitter and Facebook it. Put MPs to shame. They do not understand what they are in charge of. Shame on you!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Sign the e-Petition for "No MP" - ie all MPs Suck

OK, the "No MP" ought to be replaced by "All MPs are F**ing useless." but the sentiment is correct. 60% of people do not vote in elections and MPs misunderstand -- thinking that they are doing a good job. The reality -- 60% of people think that MPs are not worth voting for. How can any MP think that they are doing a good job

Let's adopt the petition but view it as Sack MPs and demand a better way of selecting them! Do we want another Nadine Dorries of "I'm a Celebrity" fame??

Sign the petition

Follow me on Twitter @MPs_suck

Election Pledges 2015 - Are Pledges linked to the BBC? Full of Repeats!

Here we go. 2015 and another election. Here we go with the usual pledges. We will fight on issues of:

  1. NHS
  2. Crime
  3. Education

Hey -aren't these the same pledges every election? I have seen the same pledges every election since 1970s. And how are the NHS, crime and schooling doing today?

Schooling -- UK standards falling and continue to fall. 20 years of MPs fighting the education corner - what a shambles!!

Crime - when you take out Internet crime and other crime MPs want to hide - then we are still failing. For example, 7.5 million crimes last year (excluding Internet). That's 1 in 10 people being burgled, raped, murdered etc. How is this good??

NHS?? Costs doubled in last 10 years and a massive crisis. Unsurprisingly!! Yet we opnly have 200,000 beds in teh UK. So how can costs double? Surely we should work out where the money has gone to.

MPs keep failing us and we keep voting them in. What a shambles!!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Rona Fairhead Should Tell Hodge to resign - Hypocrite!

What a nerve MPs have. Margaret Hodge tells Fairhead to resign over encouraging tax avoidance.

Pardon me?? Hasn't government encouraged large business to avoid taxes over the last 10 years? Why isn't Margaret Hodge being asked to resign, along with many other MPs that have contributed to this horrible state of affairs? I am sure big business avoiding about £30 billion a year is far in excess of anything HSBC has done. And big business continue to avoid taxes. Over 10 years that's £300 billion. Who really is guilty here?

Margaret Hodge also recently suggested people stop purchasing from Amazon. What? Why should the people solve the politicians' blunder. What a nerve, asking people to bail them out and then to have a pop at HSBC. Where do MPs get this holier than thou attitude? What a bunch of hypocrites.

And William Hague's recently has the cheek to complain about big business avoiding tax. You are the Government- get off your lazy backside and do something about it. Whinging to the public is not a way of getting taxes paid.

Are all MPS utterly useless? This is not just a Tory shambles. This started under Labour and until we get better MPs with a modicum of intelligence -- this will continue.

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Saturday, 10 January 2015

NHS - What is the Truth About the Current Crisis? Is it simply a numbers game?

I keep hearing about the NHS and the current crisis. News presenters and the government present this and almost seem surprised and at least baffled why this is. It seems simple:

There are limited NHS beds. In there are about 200,000 beds in the NHS in the UK and the number has actually been falling since 1990s.

In 2000 the UK population was 60 million. The government acknowledges 5 million immigrants have arrived and settled here in 10 years. The reality is higher as they are likely to have had children. Also, there are large numbers of illegal immigrants here and an article alos suggested 100,000 students a year from foreign countries go missing here. As a conservative estimate, I think the population is now around 70 million. An increase of 10 million.

Let's suggest 0.5% become ill. That's 50,000 people. That's one quarter of the NHS beds. So no wonder there is a crisis. If 0.5% of the total population is ill then the figure is a staggering 350,000 people. Almost double the available beds.

So why are politicians surprised that the NHS is in crisis. We have reduced the number of beds (at a massive cost increase) and increased the population by 10 million (estimated. Can someone conform this number??)

Why can't the government see this and acknowledge this is the problem? Are they lying that we are living longer to cover the reality up? What seems more likely - we are living longer or that there are 10 million more people in the country? I have witnessed first hand lorries on separate occasions unloading illegals into the UK on the motorway (M20)

Can politicians be trusted? Or are they self-promoting, lying bigots?